Saturday, February 26, 2011

Solidarity in Oklahoma

Sometimes we have to stand up for others. If we don't, who will stand up for us? Today we stood up in support of the teachers, nurses, and all public employees of Wisconsin who are fighting for their rights.

It's funny... on our local news it was reported "Over 100 people gathered at the Capitol..." Wow! What an understatement! We counted close to 1000. Actually, the news spent almost no time covering the event.

It was a very calm rally, although it seemed like some were expecting violence. The bomb squad was there along with at least 25 police cars at the beginning.

I guess this guy could have bit somebody on the leg, but he was as peaceful as the rest of us!

This is the bottom line: If people lose the right to bargain, all they can do is beg. Wisconsin, please don't turn teachers and other public workers into beggars.

CLICK HERE FOR story about protests across the US today

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

I know a few things about love...

Love is special and should never be taken for granted.

Good love allows us be ourselves. No games are needed. No guessing is needed. Conversations are engaging, silence is comfortable.

We don't need to hold on to love. It stays right with us.

It's not about the wedding... it's about the marriage.

There is no "i" in "team."

Laughter is the glue that holds everything together.

It's okay to go to bed mad. Problems are often easier to solve after a good night's sleep. But mad or not, always say, "I love you." There are no guarantees that you will ever have another chance.

True love is built on both friendship and chemistry.

Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend of 39 years.

I love you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I did during my Winter Vacation

What I Did During my Winter Vacation
A 1000 Word Essay
Submitted February 9, 2011

During my Winter Vacation I made stuff.

(hmmm.... let's see... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 words. Only 993 more words to go. Sigh.)

*Snap*!!! I know! A picture is worth a thousand words, right? This will give me extra credit!


What I Did During my Winter Vacation;
A Photo Essay
Submitted February 9, 2011

The End.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's February.

Yes, I still dread it, and it's coming... I have been starting to have that weird spacey feeling I always get during the month or so before.
I think I need to join "Remarried Widows Anonymous"

"Hi, my name is Stephanie... I am a remarried widow, but I still feel grief at times..."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Addendum to my post from yesterday...

.... Yes, I am correct. It sucks to be a bird.

At least in this kind of weather it does. We received 12 inches of snow since yesterday!

I am grateful that I am a person, not a bird. Speaking of birds, I am also grateful for a big pot of chicken and rice soup!!!

Please stay warm, everybody!!!