Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shelby's 21st Birthday

I can't believe how I just blinked, and now have a beautiful 21 year old daughter.

On the evening she was born, it seemed like she would always be my baby girl.

I guess nothing has changed. She always WILL be my baby girl!

Happy birthday, Shelby! I hope your life will be at least half as wonderful as mine has been with you around! :-)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Busy, Fun Christmas

Happy Boxing Day to all! We had an enjoyable and busy Christmas. Two days of singing and three Christmas celebrations equals lots of fun! Here are a few photos taken at my Mom's, our place, and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Terry's place.

I am so grateful for all of these blessings. Next up: Shelby's 21st birthday!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Nativity thoughts

"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn."

People must have had much harder hearts back then, than they do today. They were turned away because there was no room at the inn!! Well, why in heaven's name didn’t somebody MAKE some room for them? Can you imagine the people of today refusing to give up their room to a laboring mother about to give birth?

However, Mary and Joseph were from Nazareth, far from home.

They were poor.

They may have appeared "different" to the natives.

They may have spoken with a foreign dialect.

The people of Bethlehem, who were not privy to the information of the Immaculate Conception, may well have considered Mary an unwed mother.

But, we modern people would give up a room at the inn for any laboring mother, wouldn’t we? Wouldn’t we do everything possible to help a poor family who decided to take a cross-country trip in the woman’s 9th month of pregnancy, even if she and her husband were of different ethnicity, different religion, and questionable morals? Of course we would!

Or… would we?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

For a few minutes today I was Andy's wife again...

I have described my experience of being widowed and then marrying again as being sort of like living in a parallel universe. I am so in love, and feel like Art and I have always been together. We are crazy about each other, have so much fun together, are the best of friends, and sometimes it is hard to remember my past life. Then there are days that I not only remember, but I feel like that past life is just beyond the haze if I could only reach through it. Today was one of the latter.

It was a bit grey outside, and my mood matched the weather.

It's almost 10 years now since Andy died. I have been happily married to Art for the past 7 years. But, now and then I still feel the blues... not really a grief attack, just a little bit of pesky sadness. So, I did what I usually do when I feel this way. I made a visit to the cemetery.

The approaching holiday certainly wasn't helping matters any, and it really didn't help my mood when "The Christmas Shoes" came on the radio as I pulled up next to the grave site. Then when I went over to the headstone, my spirits drooped further; the headstone had sunk halfway down on one side due to a recent deluge of rain.

So, I made my way over to the cemetery office. A nice man named Rob greeted me, and I explained why I was there. He looked up Andy's information, then said, "Well, Mrs. AndysLastName, we will take care of the problem right away." Another employee came in and Rob said to him, "I'm printing out a copy of this work order for his wife." I thanked him, and he said, "Before you leave, Mrs. AndysLastName, you can put your husband's name on the memory tree over here, and here is an ornament for your tree."

It was actually comforting to put his name on the decorated memory tree. I didn't think I needed to do that sort of stuff after all these years, but it was... nice. It also was nice to be called Mrs. AndysLastName again, if only for a few minutes.

As I prepared to leave, Rob gave me the printout of the work order. He turned it over, and on the back was a printed photo of an American eagle in flight. I thought about one song I had selected for Andy's memorial service, "On Eagles Wings."

Rob laughed and said, "Hmmmm. It printed on eagle paper. That wasn't supposed to happen." I smiled, thanked him, and thought to myself, "Oh, yes it was."

As I stepped outside, I was hit by a ray of sunshine that peeked through the clouds.

It wasn't too bad of a day, after all.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A bit wistful before Christmas

There are so many people I love,
but they are scattered far apart.
If I could strike gold, I would travel the miles
just for a hug...
...or, better yet, I would bring them here.
I would make them a good meal,
share my space,
a glass of wine,
perhaps tears.
And, by the time they leave,
they will understand
that I really do love them.
It's just this world is too big,
not that my heart's
too small.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's a Wonderful Life.... or is it???

A real “feel-good" movie. A holiday classic. But why?

There is a terrible side to this movie, a dark side that is still going on today.

Here is the plot, in case you have been living on a desert island for the last 50 years:

George Bailey is a small-town man whose life has become so desperate he contemplates suicide. He, like his father before him, is a champion of the poor and downtrodden in his town. Extremely honest and hard working, he sacrificed his education for his brother's, kept the family-run savings and loan afloat while still allowing ordinary residents to take out reasonable home loans, protected the town from takeover by the greedy banker Mr. Potter, and happily married his high school sweetheart. However, a series of unfortunate events plus the constant onslaught from Mr. Potter to take over the savings and loan, George feels that it would have been better for everyone if he had never been born. His guardian angel Clarence arrives on a mission to earn his heavenly wings. As George prepares to jump from a bridge, Clarence shows him how miserable life would have become for the residents of Bedford Falls had he never lived.

The implications are pretty obvious, unless you want to cover your eyes with blinders.

The Bailey family and friends represent the 99%.

Mr. Potter represents the 1%.

Of course the Occupy Movement was not around back when this film was released. But the battle is nothing new. The masses continually battle against greed. The greedy few continually want more and more, at the masses' expense.

From the movie script of It’s a Wonderful Life:

MR. BAILEY (George's father)
I'm not crying, Mr. Potter.

Well, you're begging, and that's a whole lot worse.

All I'm asking is thirty days more . . .

GEORGE (interrupting)

Just a minute, son.
(to Potter)
Just thirty short days. I'll dig up that five thousand somehow.

Have you put any real pressure on those people of yours to pay those mortgages?

Times are bad, Mr. Potter. A lot of these people are out of work.

Then foreclose!

I can't do that. These families have children.


They're not my children.

But they're somebody's children.

Are you running a business or a charity ward?

Well, all right . . .

POTTER (interrupting)
Not with my money!

CLOSE SHOT –– Potter and Bailey.

Mr. Potter, what makes you such a hard-skulled character? You have no family –– no children. You can't begin to spend all the money you've got.

So I suppose I should give it to miserable failures like you and that idiot brother of yours to spend for me.

You people out there, the ones who love this film, don’t you SEE? Don’t you GET IT??? Why do you feel good about the end of this movie, if you really want Mr. Potter to win? How can you cheer for George in good conscience if, deep down inside, you believe Potter is right; George Bailey is a failure, an idiot, a buffoon?

[My father] did help a few people get out of your slums, Mr. Potter, and what's wrong with that? Why... here, you're all businessmen here. Doesn't it make them better citizens? Doesn't it make them better customers? You... you said... what'd you say a minute ago? They had to wait and save their money before they even ought to think of a decent home. Wait? Wait for what? Until their children grow up and leave them? Until they're so old and broken down that they... Do you know how long it takes a working man to save $5,000? Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about... they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn't think so. People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle. Well in my book, my father died a much richer man than you'll ever be!

Please, friends, WAKE UP!!! Or if you are already awake, find a way to let your voice be heard! More and more homes are being foreclosed upon, people are unemployed, wages are being lowered, college tuition is going through the roof. The average person cannot afford their health care, even if they do have insurance. But Mr Potter has all he needs 10 times over, and doesn't care! After all, we aren't HIS children.

If we continue to pander to the Mr. Potters, soon this country will become POTTERSVILLE! It really won’t matter whether or not George Bailey was ever born.

…. And poor old Clarence will never earn his wings. :(

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Annual Tradition

Every year, on the night the first hard freeze is predicted, we go out and clip all of the blooming roses of the rose bushes. This year there were quite a few...

... including one perfect yellow bud that makes a perfect center piece.

It's the end of another growing season, and tonight I'm feeling just a bit wistful.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who are the Occupy people, and what do they want??

The Occupy people are from all walks of life, and THIS is what we want!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

State Fair Button 2011

Here is number twenty-five in the series. My goodness!!! A quarter of a century of fair buttons!!! 25 years in the history of a family.

(P.S.... here is last year's:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Politics and Respect

I am honored to have a large group of friends, with a diverse lot of political beliefs. Most of you know I lean to the left, although not quite to the point of hugging trees... :-)

On Facebook, my friends range from very far right to very far left. I have friends who are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and even a couple anti-government. They say their piece, I say mine... sometimes the conversations become quite animated! However, I wouldn't be without a single one of these friends. It's these discussions that help expand my horizons of knowledge.

There is one common denominator that all of these folks possess that seems to be lacking in much of society today, and that is respect. We are all friends of Voltaire, ascribing to the philosophy: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Let the discussions continue, and let's stay friends! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A brief but pleasant visit

Although I have been very busy with Mom's move, I was able to get together with Bear and Kelly and their kids for awhile today. We had lunch at a place called "Pops" in Arcadia. I had not seen them in ages, it was so nice to be able to visit with them!

Pops is a pretty cool place, they have different sodas from around the country, and great burgers. They even have Faygo, from Michigan! Good food, good company and some Faygo Rock-n-Rye... what could be better? :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday's Reflection: Coming soon to a Catholic Church near you! :)

I sort of stumbled on this by accident while looking for a YouTube video of a song... ANY song our choir sang today. I really wanted to find Michael Connolly's "Where o Death is your Victory," but after searching all over the internet, the closest thing I could find was a download of a sound file, and the link didn't work. :(
Giving up on that, I tried to find any of the others. No luck. Frustrated, I decided to look for the "Mass of Angels and Saints" that we are using... then, I found this! This is the new version that the Catholic Church will be switching to within the next year. So, instead of posting the past, I am posting the future! :)

I think I like it!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The end of our family's percussion era

As everybody knows, the Putnam City High School Band has been a central part of our lives for many years.

It started with Jimmy. He actually trail blazed the way for his younger siblings, as I had never been a band parent before. There was a lot to learn! Marching competitions, equipment needed, expenses, time consumed, fund raising, practicing before sunrise, coda tryouts, drumline tryouts... WOW! I had no idea what being a band parent entailed!

Next, there was Shelby. I already knew the score by that time, and it was much easier... except perhaps the year she broke her ankle in the middle of marching season.

Finally, there is John. By this time, it's a given that band is a part of our lives... except for one thing...

John has decided to leave the band. I can't believe it!!!! But, last week he sat down with me for a serious talk. He has a number of reasons for wanting to leave, all of them valid; the main one being he is working very hard to graduate with honors.

It's probably silly that this whole thing has made me cry the past few days, because it really is up to him. We band parents are supposed to be there for our kids, not the other way around! I keep hoping he will reconsider, but ultimately the decision is his.

Here are a few other memories from the years John has been in band and even before...


John seemed destined to be a percussionist back when he thought that Jimmy's practice pad made a great toy.

Here he is as the Band Queen crown-bearer back in 2005, when Shelby was a Sophomore.

From some of the football games:

It's been a good time being a band parent, now it's time to rest. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday's Reflection

This is a song our choir sang today, but it's a much more complicated version. This arrangement really is worth a listen!

"Love is Come Again," aka "Now the Green Blade Rises"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A few of my favorite "Being a Mom" photos...

This is what I'm celebrating today. :-)

Not only am I celebrating these blessings, but I am also lucky enough to have a few "bonus" kids that may have been to big for me to carry by the time they came into my life, but I carry them in my heart.

Happy Mother's Day to everybody who is somebody's Mom, or is a child who blessed the life of a Mom, like all of mine have blessed me!