Friday, November 17, 2006

Andy's 15 minutes of FAME!!!!

Back in 2003, an author by the name of Stephen Kiernan contacted me. I belonged to an online group of young widows, and I had written in response to a request for our stories. I told about how Andy had died at home with his family at the bedside, and he wanted to use our story in a book about end of life issues.

He interviewed me for over an hour. I had just about forgotten about it, thinking maybe he didn't write the book after all, or maybe he didn't need our story.

Well, I found out on Monday that the book had been just released this week. The title of the book is "Last Rights."

Arthur purchased a copy for me at Border's. The book is beautifully done, describing the differences between dying in a hospital verses dying at home. The book also goes into current medical care of the terminally ill, and how it could be improved. And there on page 196 is Andy's story!

Andy was such an incredible man, and I am so glad that his story is included in a nationally released book. Maybe it will become a best seller!!! My only wish is that some well known writer would write a book about Andy's wonderful life, rather than on his death. Sigh. But, he would get a big kick out of this if he were here. As a matter of fact, I am sure that he is grinning from ear to ear, sitting there in Heaven! (with no wheelchair, of course!)

Click Here: Last Rights

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