Sunday, November 23, 2008

The hits keep on coming!

Despite my month of silence, this blog has been getting a whole bunch of traffic recently. I would like to be able to say that it's because of my brilliant writing abilities, but unfortunately that isn't the case. :)

The reason I've been getting so many hits is Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and people are searching for recipes. If you search Google for a smoked ham recipe, Andy's smoked ham recipe appears on the first page.

Here is a little interesting tidbit: although the recipe was not "invented" by Andy, he took a liking to it because he liked Southwest flavors in cooking. He found it on the internet somewhere back in 1999 and copied it by hand. After his death I typed it out and posted it on our family website, and later moved it to my blog. I recently noticed a typo and corrected it. Well, now the identical recipe appears on a cooking site. And, lo and behold... MY TYPO IS IN IT!!! LOL, my typo lives on.

My other "big hit" item is Shelby's essay.

Hmmm... my biggest hits were not even written by me, and my claim to fame is a typo. I guess it's time for me to start blogging regularly again in order to practice my writing. :)


Anonymous said...

Did the recipe site reference your site? Or did they just "steal" it outright without giving you any credit?

I've been reading that the current economic downturn/recession/depression may have an impact on those who post content for free. That is, in future, people (writers) are going to want compensation of some sort for writing the words consumed by readers.

Welcome back from your month of silence!

Stella said...

I think they "stole" it outright, but since Andy "stole" it first I didn't feel like I should gripe too much! :) (I, too, should have given credit to the original site, but I had no idea where he got it from, and whether he changed any of it in the process.)