Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Business together with Big Government means Big Trouble

I know, I know... here I go again on another auto company rant! For the most part, I am not big into politics, but a large part of my heart and my roots remain in Detroit. My grandfathers fought (and sometimes starved) for auto workers to have a safe work environment and a living wage. Despite their battles with the companies in the old days, my family has always been proud of the American auto industry, and I remain so today.

Rumor has it that Chrysler is ready to file bankruptcy this week, and General Motors Corporation may be right on it's heels. I am rapidly becoming resigned to this sad state of affairs. Awhile back, I posted my reasons for wanting the big three auto makers to receive help in the form of a government loan. The key word being LOAN not bailout: (My unpaid editorial) When I wrote that entry, though, I was asking the government to help those companies, not take them over!

I don't know why the loans to the auto companies continue to be called "bailouts," like they are the same as what the banks received. Unlike the loans that the leaders of the auto companies had to crawl on their bellies for, the banks' TARP bailouts have no stipulation to repay. I also don't understand how the government was able to fire the CEO of General Motors because GM accepted a loan. That seems like my mortgage company telling me I have to divorce my husband for not managing our finances better, since I needed to borrow money from them!

I am no financial wizard, by any means. But I think my simple little pea brain has figured out why there is an apparent bipartisan effort to force GM and Chrysler to declare bankruptcy.

Elementary politics:

Democrats= "Big Government."

Republicans= "Big Business."

One group wants to control the companies. The other group doesn't like the unions.

Granted, mismanagement helped get the companies into this mess. However, the sick companies will end up dying because "Big Government" thinks it knows best how to run auto companies.

"Throw the bums out! Bring in bums that know nothing about the auto industry! That should help the companies make a fast turn around!"

Next, the companies will be finished off by "Big Business," in order to destroy the unions.

"Oh those GREEDY hourly union workers! It's all their fault the company is in the hole! Let the companies go bankrupt so we can get rid of the unions!" (The salary figures floating around are so inflated it's sickening, but people are going to believe what they want.)

At any rate, between Big Government and Big Business, GM and Chrysler don't have much of a chance. But, thank goodness, this country will not be totally dependent on foreign auto companies... yet.

Since they didn't accept a government loan, there will soon be a new American "Big Three."



and Mercury.

Please, managers of these three , stay far away from any government assistance!

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