Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas has come and gone.

Christmas was calm and traditional this year. Midnight Mass was beautiful as usual, and I so love being in a choir again.

Shelby had to work Christmas morning. (She works at a vet clinic, and had to feed, change, walk and water the animals that had to say over.) So we waited until she came home from work to open presents. As a matter of fact, I was a MEAN mom, and made everybody eat brunch first!

We then went to Kathy and Terry's for Christmas dinner. As usual, lots of good food, and conversation consisting of laughter and shouting across the room. Plus we hooked up the computer and watched my Grandtwins on big screen TV via webcam! It was very strange... so much traditional holiday mixed with High-tech entertainment! :)

Lesley, Billy and the kids were here. We haven't seen them since 2004, and it was great to have them back in town for the holiday.

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