He is risen! Alleluia! Happy Easter!

Shelby, John, Arthur and I are exhausted, happy, and very, very well fed at the present time.
Our Easter music marathon week is now officially over. We sang every day since Wednesday, and the kids played their instruments each day except on Good Friday. Music always makes me feel a bit closer to understanding the Divine Mystery, and the Easter choir sessions are among my favorite yearly activities.
After the service was Easter Dinner time. Once again we had our Polish feast, but with a twist. Grandma ordered a big shipment of Kowalski goodies from Detroit. We had real honest-to-goodness fresh kielbasa, spiral cut ham, polish candies, and real horseradish. (You know… the kind that clears your sinuses!)

The biggest thrill for me is the box included a butter lamb. You can’t get those in Oklahoma.

Kathy made Kapusta from our old family recipe, and it was delicious! It brought back so many wonderful childhood memories…
…mostly about saying “bleachhh!”
Kapusta is one of those things you really need to be grown up to appreciate! :)
Here is the recipe for anybody that is interested in trying some authentic Polish cuisine:
Groch Z Kapusta
Ingredients :
1 cup Dried Split Peas
1 qt Sauerkraut
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 med Onion Sliced
1/4 lb Salt Pork
2 TBSP Flour
Method :
Wash and soak peas overnight. Cook peas in same water until tender. Drain and rinse sauerkraut, reserving 1 cup liquid. Combine pepper and kraut in enough water to cover and cook about 1 1/4 hours.
Fry onion and pork until lightly browned. Blend in flour. Stir until mixture is smooth. Mix with sauerkraut and peas, add sauerkraut liquid as needed to thin mixture. Put mixture into a buttered (butter, not margarine) baking dish and bake, covered, in 325F oven for 20 minutes.(May also cook on stovetop or in slow cooker.)

I made the pierogi from my favorite recipe. Here it is:
Take 3 boxes of Mrs. T’s pierogies, fry in butter and onion, and serve with sour cream.

What, did you think I would make ‘em from scratch after the music marathon??? Dream on! (Actually, I did last year. Never again!)
Besides the Polish treats we had the standard Easter eggs, rolls and butter, etc. In addition we had Arthur’s super-duper special lumpy buttered mashed potatoes. You would have to taste them! They would NOT be as good without the lumps. Once upon a time he attempted to use a beater on them, and his brother had a fit.

Finally, the piece de resistance: Marilyn’s strawberry cake, and Alex’s cookies

See what I mean about being well fed? I wish you all had been here!!!
Love to all!