Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Joining the ladies

I have always wanted to fit into a “ladies clique.” By that, I mean my desire is to be a woman who feels at home in my own skin when I am attending a ladies event such as a church potluck or a baby shower. This gal has been a very shy person since childhood.

Truth be told, the fine art of female small-talk has always escaped me. That’s not to say I don’t have female friends; I do. My friends and I rarely do the small-talk thing, however. Rather, we engage in lively, animated (and sometimes heated!) political discussions, or try for hours to figure out the meaning of life.

Last weekend an opportunity came up for me to try once more to fit into a casual gathering of women. A group from my square dance club had a 4 hour “sewing bee” to make our new club dresses. Each of us was to bring our favorite salad, and I decided to bring a chicken Waldorf salad.

My Waldorf salad always turns out pretty good, so I decided not only was I going to make it for the sewing bee, I was also going to take photos of it as it was being created! I have seen beautiful posts with delicious food being prepared, so why not chronicle my creation in the making and post it here! But, alas, I can’t even do the girl-party thing correctly for my blog.

I start out by cutting up the apples:

Then the celery:

But I really didn't want to cut this:

Yes, I cut my thumb! Doesn’t that figure? So much for my photo shoot!

I had to “heal myself” before I could leave for the gathering, so I was late arriving. Everybody was super nice, but I felt frazzled. Once again, the shy side of me took over..

Sigh. Maybe next time!!! :)

Oh, the salad did turn out pretty good, my mishap aside!

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