Monday, August 24, 2009

Shelby's friend was arrested

There is nothing that makes me feel so old as seeing Shelby's friends become young adults with minds of their own. Now that they are old enough to do so, they are beginning to express themselves in new ways that they were unable to when living at home.

Back in elementary and middle school, two of Shelby's best friends were twin sisters named Candice and Cassidy. They were tiny, effervescent girls, always happy and full of life. For several years one or the other was always with Shelby, most particularly Cassidy. I can still close my eyes and picture the little twins skipping and bouncing along on either side of the much taller Shelby.

During high school, little by little, they spent less time together until it dwindled down to none. That saddened me a bit, but I realized that friends often grow apart as they mature. However, both the girls have remained special in my memory.

Here in the present day, several of Shelby's friends are college students. One of her friends is getting married soon. Another friend is in culinary school.

Cassidy is a political activist in New Hampshire:

I'm not sure how I feel about that video. I know I would never want Shelby to do anything like that. And yet, I feel a stir of admiration for this young woman that I knew as a little girl. She is standing up for something she believes in, and I think she has a point.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Shelby's friend is cute and articulate. She will go far in life, but that police officer will spend his life walking a beat with no real criminals........don't you wish our law enforcement dollars could be better spent?

Stella said...

Yes I do. There are areas like Detroit that don't have enough officers and hours can pass before one is available to respond to a break in.

This brings back a memory for me, of when I and half the school took part in a peaceful "sit-in" in the school halls to protest a new attendance policy that was punitive to those of us with good attendance records.

I'm glad that there are checks and balances in our society. I support the officer enforcing the law. But, I also support a peaceful protest. If it were not for peaceful protest, we would still have certain people forced to ride in the back of the bus, for instance.