Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A tiny dash of serendipity

Sometimes it just takes a little thing to make my day, and one of those little things happened this afternoon.

I was busy at work, buried under the usual mountain of back-to-school shot records and paperwork that I deal with every year. Suddenly, the door to my clinic burst open, and there stood a harried looking gentleman from our downtown IT department.

He said, "Here is the computer power source you ordered."

"Um, I didn't order one." I said, while remembering that was something on my to-do list.

"The order says it's for the clinic at this school."

He came over and inspected my laptop.

"Nope, the serial numbers don't match the order. Must not be yours!"

I pushed my papers aside, glad to have a good reason to leave my desk. I directed him to the office, and the secretary checked with the rest of the staff to see if they had ordered a cord. All the responses were negative.

"Well, I guess I need to take this back downtown to see if they can figure out where it really goes."

It was then that I asked, "How do I order a new cord? I thought I needed to bring my computer in to you, and I have been too busy. My cord has something wrong with it and won't work half the time."

He asked my name, handed me the cord and said, "It's yours! I'll just get another one for the other person. This saves me a trip."

It really was no big deal, but it made me smile!


Widow in the Middle said...

When things like this happen to me, I refer to them as "A touch of grace."

Anonymous said...

That would totally never happen where I work...