Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A quick little memory

During the past few weeks we have been totally tied up with school and family obligations. It is ironic how these types of activities awaken wisps of ideas for new posts at the same time I am too busy to sit down and write them out.

However, a memory crossed my mind today that allows me to cheat a little bit. It's the memory of my very favorite Christmas commercial.

This spot ran for several years, and it brought misty eyed tears to me the first couple years that Jimmy had gone away to national guard training and college. Jimmy and Shelby were, at the time, about the same ages as the young people in the commercial.

Jimmy did surprise us a couple of times coming home when we were not expecting him, but I don't remember him ever waking us up by making coffee! But still, this little ad is a great reminder of the importance of family.

Shelby is now the child in college, and we look forward to her arrival home in a couple of days. Hey Shelby... make us some coffee when you get here, ok? :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that ad! Can't believe it was actually one minute long. You'd never see that nowadays.

Nice memory Stella.