Sunday, October 24, 2010

We said "NO!" :)

Once Upon a Time there were two people who were so busy, it never seemed they had time to spend together just relaxing...


This past weekend was Fall Break, but even so there were activities in which Art and I could have been participating. Perhaps even "SHOULD" have been participating.

But the sun, stars, and moon aligned to give us a few days to ourselves. It was Homecoming Weekend at Oklahoma State University, and what could be more fun for John than to go for a college weekend with his sister and her friends? So off he went, and we were free. FREE!!!! Free...

... except for a couple loose ends of little obligations.

But you know what? We decided we deserved our own weekend to spend together. So we said "NO" to every other activity, and "YES" to US!

Break is now over, and it's back to work tomorrow. However, we had a great time simply spending our time together, and are so glad for once we said "NO"!


The End. :)

1 comment:

Rob said...

I'm continually amazed (and appalled) by people who don't seem to take the time to just be. Live.

Glad you guys could have a little "us" time to yourselves.