A video gone viral is causing many a laugh around the internet. It is a clip of a schoolyard fight between a pint-sized bully and a large victim. The victim evidently has taken enough of the torment, so he grabs the bully and body-slams him to the ground. All the reactions that I have read cheer the victim for having the guts to put an end to the situation. Both children have been suspended from school for 4 days, according to the victim’s father. The whole situation makes me sad because I have seen so many similar situations over the years.
Going back in my mind, I remember a girl who was moved from a neighborhood school where she was well liked and respected, to a school where she became “the new kid” among students who had known each other since kindergarten. She towered over her classmates, even at the age of 8 years old most of the kids came up to about arm-pit level. From the first day she was given the name of “Jolly Green Giant.”
At first the girl laughed along with them, thinking it was the same kind of gentle banter that had been shared between friends back at the old school. But then the taunts became meaner, and soon the little pushes, shoves and pinches started.
The girl went to her teacher, who scolded, “You’re a big girl. Just ignore them.”
Next, the girl ignored them until somebody pulled her hair so hard that it brought her to tears. She turned around and punched him, and was sent to the principal.
She was given the punishment of writing 500 times, “I will not hit others,” and the boy who pulled her hair wasn’t punished at all! “You are so much bigger than him! Shame on you for hitting somebody so much smaller than you!”
It just escalated. The girl was heartbroken. It was bad enough being new in a school with no friends, but the bullying she was receiving was intolerable. Soon the girl had bloody pinch marks on her arms, and did not fight back so as to not get in trouble again. Her mother tried talking to the parents and the school, but was basically blown off. “She’s immature, she cries almost every recess.” Well, I wonder why???
But one day, it all came to an end, thanks to a boy named Tom. While at recess, the girl heard from behind her the familiar chant; “Hey Jolly Green Giant!” and felt a smack at the back of her head. And then… a voice hollered out, “You leave her ALONE!!!”
She turned around, and there was Tom standing next to her with his fists clenched, facing the usual group of tormentors. At first they laughed, “Tom’s got a girlfriend,” “What’s up Tom, are you in love with the Green Giant?” but he stood his ground.
“I said leave her alone. She’s nice, and she has never done anything to any of you. Why do you keep picking on her?”
One by one they slunk away and after that day, pretty much left her alone. As a matter of fact, over time she became friends with some of them, and even received a few apologies. It only took one person speaking up against something wrong to make them take notice.
That girl was me.
One person can truly make a difference in somebody’s life. Tom is no longer living for me to thank again, but I want to thank all the Toms out there who will stand up for somebody when nobody else will, and are not afraid to speak up when someone is being abused.
“Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
I watched this video and didn't want to cheer. I just wanted to cry.
I was also the bullied one, not phsyically, but emotionally. I was the shunned one, the teased one, the ostracized one ... and I never knew why. And I never had a Tom stand up for me.
Hugs to you and me and all the victims of the mean kids...
Mean kids. Where do they learn to be mean? At home, mostly, I'll warrant.
Taken as a collective, the majority of humans really aren't so great, are they?
How many of us will recall times dealing with bullies? I can claim a few, not many, none severe. But I'm also ashamed to admit that I was one of those in the background, watching and not speaking up.
Hugs to you and to Alicia ^^ too. I don't understand why some things never change.
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