Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Annual Tradition

Every year, on the night the first hard freeze is predicted, we go out and clip all of the blooming roses of the rose bushes. This year there were quite a few...

... including one perfect yellow bud that makes a perfect center piece.

It's the end of another growing season, and tonight I'm feeling just a bit wistful.



Rob said...

You're on the brink of a "hard freeze" whilst we're on the brink of a "major winter storm". We're going to see highs of -20 C or so through this weekend and perhaps a half a foot or more of snow.

So, enjoy those roses! Wish I could smell them. :)

Widow in the Middle said...

What a lovely tradition. I always reflect on the end of the season as being a rest or break after our laboring - that winter is a necessary season allowing us to slow down and savor without always doing.