Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Sky the Morning Marvin Died

John took this photo... it was a beautiful day for a trip over the Rainbow Bridge.

Sweet Marvin, go play and run with TomGirl, Sheba, Jonah, and all the dogs I have loved. You have been a good boy, and you have earned your rest. I love you.


Alicia said...

I'm so sorry.

Maisy said...

Our pets add so much to our lives, and such sadness when they leave.

It does indeed look like an appropriately beautiful day for beautiful Marvin to journey over the Rainbow Bridge.

Feeling sorrow for your sadness,

Ali xxx

Stella said...

Thanks, ladies. Marvin came into our family a few months after Andy died, we adopted him to keep Andy's dog company, but rapidly captured our hearts. He was the most gentle dog I've known.