Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday's Reflection

I am going to attempt a new regular feature on my blog that I'm calling "Sunday's Reflection."

Basically, it will be a YouTube video of a song that our choir sang that morning. Almost every Sunday one of the songs keeps running through my head all day long, so this will serve a two-fold purpose. One; I can share a favorite song, and two; maybe that way I'll get the danged thing unstuck from my brain! :)

The first one is today's psalm response, and was also the psalm response at the services for my father-in-law, the hauntingly beautiful "Shepherd me O God."

I hope you like it. :)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I've always loved this setting of the psalm and always enjoyed singing it in choirs, even at funerals. Thank you for posting it.