For 17 years, until the day he died, the man I loved more than life itself was a tatooed paraplegic Vietnam vet, missing his back teeth, divorced, unemployed when I met him...
He came to me literally with just the clothes on his back. Long story... suffice to say he was my patient in the hospital, and was down for the count.
My family thought I was crazy! Was that what I was looking for in a man????
That was my Andy.
He also was the strongest man I ever knew, and his dark, handsome looks literally took my breath away. He had one of those personalities that made everybody feel good just to be around him. It turned out that there was practically nothing he couldn't do from a wheelchair! He worked on our cars, did home repairs, grilled the best steaks in the world, tilled the garden, changed diapers, you name it! He also worked full time until his illness got the best of him. We built a wonderful life together... a home full of love, kids and happiness.
I am so glad I married the man who wasn't the man of my dreams!

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