OK friends, I've returned to my normal, cheerful self. The tears about my babies are behind me now, but the remodeling continues!
I have been taking some photos to eventually post as “before” and “after.” But, first I need to post a different bunch of photos.
Arthur, the kids and I are actually involved in “Phase Two” of the dining area remodel. The original kitchen project began in 1998, when Andy and I decided that we absolutely hated the ugly dark painted cabinets in the kitchen. New cabinets cost a small fortune, so we did a “poor man’s remodel.” We completely stripped and refinished the wood cabinets.
This is not a job for the faint of heart. I have never before or since tackled such a difficult project. It seemed like it would be simple, but there is nothing easy about stripping and sanding an entire kitchen! Not to mention the DUST. It turned out very well, and the cabinets are still looking good as they wait for their new countertops to be delivered.
Believe it or not, my paraplegic Superman did all of the lower sanding and finished all of the cabinet doors after I took the high ones down. I sanded the upper cabinets and did most of the trim painting. Looking at these photos no longer makes me sad, and I still find Andy's attitude about his injury to be inspirational.
A very bad, horrible, awful, messy job!
Moving stuff out of the way... (MUST you take my picture???)
... and more sanding. (There was lots more non-pictured sanding out in the garage to do the doors.)
I don't know if I could still climb up here!
Andy hated painting!
Sanding completed, cleaning badly needed!
I always wanted to write in the dust, so I did.
C'est moi, painting the trim
Although Shelby was too little to do any painting, a hug was always a big help.
Fast forward to the present... Here is Shelby, taking a rest in the same corner. (I'll bet she wishes she's still too little to paint!)
These images combined with these help weave together another piece of the fabric of my life. I can't wait to see the room finally finished! :)
Thanks for posting the pictures Stella. I'm imagining a lot of laughs going on during the process.
Not for the faint of heart
Had you guys ever undertaken a project like that before? And if not, did you consider another after?
Sanding and dust. I know all about that. Too well. Containment is the answer though. As is ensuring you use respiratory protection.
It does provide a special feeling of accomplishment when the job is (well) done, doesn't it?
Good luck with the balance of the current reno's.
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