Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's a twin thing!

Happy Birthday to Arthur and his twin brother Allen!

Those two crack me up. They both always forget each others’ birthday. It sounds like a corny joke, forgetting ones’ twin on his birthday! But they do it every year, except last year when Allen flew down to surprise Art. I secretly believe the only reason Allen remembered then was because we planned it so far in advance.

I reminded my husband to call Allen today.

He said, “Oh no! I forgot to send him a card!”

Arthur dialed up Allen and wished him a happy birthday.

Allen said, “Oh no! I forgot to send you a card!”

Yup, it’s a twin thing.

I have one thing to say. Twins are cute, and I love my brother-in-law Allen.

But there is only ONE Arthur!!!! I love you sweetie! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Arthur!


Kathy Gutzman Dowdle said...

I love the orange T-shirt and baseball cap photo. If it wasn't for the shadow running along Allen's profile, it would look like Arthur gazing into a mirror! Or is it the other way around? LOL!