Sunday, July 20, 2003

True Friends

I have found that there are some people who really mean it when they say: "Let us know if you need anything."

Bruce and Patty, our neighbors across the street, are that way. They have done everything for me from babysitting, to yard work, to home repairs. They bring over food. He has done woodworking for years, and has helped my son build birdhouses and etc. No charge, of course.

The amazing thing is, these people are in their 70's, and both have had health problems. I try to not ask them for things all the time, because I don't want to take advantage of their kindness.

Many of my friends have managed to include me in activities in such a way that I don't feel out of place, or like a 3rd wheel. Somehow, our friendships remain without any change other than we all miss Andy. There is no awkwardness when we get together.

It is good to know that so many people are kind.

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