When I look at the pictures of Sue they don’t begin to show who she really was. Sue had an angelic beauty that shone from the inside out. Her nickname to many was “Sunshine,” and it wasn’t just because of her flaming red hair. There was such warmth about her that could brighten any sadness. A kinder, gentler soul never lived.

This is a photo snapped at our Senior Prom. My two best friends were Sue and Kathy, I was always the giant among the little people! :)

Here we are being silly at a kid's party. We were about age 25. I moved to Oklahoma a few months after this was taken, but I made it back to visit 2-3 times a year. After Sue's death and my brother's wedding, I did not return to Michigan for 9 years.

Here is a photo of our families together. I took the picture of Sue, Arthur and their kids along with my brother Doug, Jimmy and Shelby.

I will never forget the day of the accident. I was at work, but Arthur made sure I was alone before he broke the news. He couldn’t bring himself to say the “D” word. How he phrased it was:
“I don’t know how to tell you this… Susie’s memorial services are planned for Wednesday.”
In that crazy, swirling moment I remember a flash of being indignant. The real meaning of his words didn’t sink in for a minute. How dare they plan something that important for Wednesday when they all knew I was going to be there in less than three weeks?
Then the reality of what he said hit, and I wept, not only for the loss of my friend, but for Arthur and his four young sons.
When Arthur and I were married, we purchased the two cemetery plots under mine and Andy's to inter her cremains, and someday Art and I will also take up residence there.
I had forgotten about Sue's entry in my high school yearbook, but recently found it. I smile when I think about how distant we perceived death in those days:

Here is the entire entry, you can click on it to enlarge. Just a lot of light teenaged thoughts, not an inkling of how prophetic the words would turn out to be. She even thanked me indirectly for introducing her to Arthur! :)

Although I hope it is awhile before it happens, I guess you were right, Susie. Not quite side by side, but pretty darn close.
Here is a link to Sue's memorial site with more photos and memories of her. I feel better having written about her, but all this is such a tiny bit of who Sue was to those of us who knew and loved her.
In Loving Memory of Sue
Beautiful tribute Stella. Thank you for sharing. ((Hugs)) to you and to Arthur.
I didn't know this part of your story. What great thing to be able to do though. Not many people are so lucky to have loved and be loved as you and Arthur. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you so much for sharing- I have such a sense of Sue as a person, now, and I can imagine how bittersweet and absolutely poetic it is for you and Arthur to have come together in this chapter of your lives.
Very big hugs to you and the rest of your fabulous family!
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