Monday, June 22, 2009

Name Dropping! :)

My brother Doug, sis-in-law Marilyn, and niece Victoria are in good company! Could this be their 15 minutes of fame? lol.

Marilyn's brother Ricky is Twitter friends with Kathy Ireland. Marilyn did not believe Ricky when he told her, but he kept insisting it was true. Finally, he asked Ms. Ireland to prove they are friends, so she printed off photos of them, posed for a pic with the photos and posted it on Twitter! Here it is:

with pictures of my friend Ricky, @theepilepsyguy and his fam... on Twitpic

Lesson to Marilyn: Always believe your brother! :)


Anonymous said...

I am twitter friends with Yoko Ono. But I think she befriends everyone.

Otherwise no one of huge fame magnitude but my friend Suzy (Welch) has a book on the NYT bestseller list and that make a person famous to me.

Rob said...

I once exchanged nods with comedian Yakov Smirnoff in Branson, MO.

I also once discussed the merits of the 1981 Ford Mustang with boxer Willie DeWit in Beaverlodge, AB.

Those are my closest brushes with celebrity.

marogez said...

You are a nut! LOL!