Thursday, August 28, 2003

Back to work... in love! :)


I didn't want to go back to work. I want the summer to continue on in leisure so I can just float around on this cloud and think of his beautiful eyes.

But back to work I went. My first day back was a real trip! I was in meetings and inservices all day with the rest of the school nurses. The first one to see me was Jean.

She looked at me and said, "Stephanie! You look great! What did you do to yourself, girl?"

I said, in a dreamy way, "Oh Jean, I'm in LOVE!"

Well, that was met with a bunch of squeals and requests for "Details! Details!"

There were four people per group, and I was dragged/passed from group to group by all these crazy, happy nurses so I could tell my story! Even though I am telling the same story over and over again, I never get tired of it. And I love these folks, this is the same bunch who held me up with their love and caring when Andy died.

I guess it was an eventful, romantic summer for several of us there. There are engagements, new boyfriends, and one other nurse had a story similar to mine, except she has "only" known her guy for 27 years!

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