Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Blessings

The light comes gradually,
coloring the horizon in deep pink tones,

Slowly changing the gray clouds of pre-dawn to pale gold.

There is a freshness in the cool, misty morning air of early spring.

The still serenity of the dawning day invites a time of contemplation,

A time of introspection and reflection.

Vivid yellow daffodils dot the garden,

Peeking out amid the profusion of slender green blades surrounding them.

From a perch in the near-by tree top,

A tiny bird heralds the glorious morning with a song of greeting.

The fresh, new day comes in tranquil magnificence–

Its brightness and beauty dissolving the darkness of night.

A peaceful, pastoral scene–

So detached from headlines in the morning paper,

So oblivious of events in the world.

The certainty of the cycle

Of sunrise following sunset offers comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

Yet the day, like life, is transient–
Seasons come and go.

There is a time for birth and a time for death.

Nothing is static–

Everything is changing with the constant marching of time

Toward the inevitable moment when time ceases to be.

The mortality of man and of woman is reality,

Yet the human mind dares to contemplate the concept of immortality.

The stone has been rolled away from the tomb;

The garden grave lies empty.

My soul goes in search of the Risen One–
Daring to grasp Him,

Daring to come to faith as the Risen Lord is encountered
In a moment in time.

Peggy A. Alexander

Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian

Tulsa, Okla.

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